This is my first time to an event that actually featured ONLY MALAYSIAN bands. I know that I have a few friends who are serious in music and are in bands, but this is my first time actually listening.
I went there with no expectation, literally NO knowledge of Malaysian bands and how good/bad they are. The only exception is the band called An Honest Mistake.... That also is because one of my friend is in there... YET I have not heard any of their songs AT ALL. ;p
The reason for the festival was to raise MONEY ($$$) for underprivileged children in order for the to learn ARTS. Money will be channelled to cultivate the inner artist in them.
Here are some pictures of the festivities...

We were "greeted" with these signs as you enter Laundry Bar.
Sausage was priced at RM3/stick & there was a lucky draw

And there is a counter for registration...
Look at the two persons... The handsome and the BEAUTIFUL. No idea who they were...until one of them performed. lolx and they handed out DUREX 'door gifts' to us.

The event started with the gentleman and the sexy, beautiful lady..
Again, didn't know who they were... They thanked us, bloggers, for coming to the event.
Didn't know them until .......

First up, performance by Seconds To Collide.
The performance wasn't the best from them. I didn't personally like it due to the sound system. The music was not bad, and I felt that the lead singer's voice, Ryota Katayama, was drowned by the music. He had a nice voice, but I couldn't make up the words/ hear much.
Up next ... An Honest Mistake
I would say this is my first time listening to them... And I felt that this is my personal favourite!

Do you see them "sweeping the floor" ?? XD

Then cameeee... the Rosevelt !!!!!
Another one of my favouritesss XD

The lead singer had time to pose for the camera while performing!!!
He must had time to learn the art of CAM-WHoring isn't it. lol
Then cameeeee ......

Recognise the 3 persons that 'greeted' the bloggers? hahaha..
Then only I knew who they were ;p

Good music only goes well with good company
THE Bloggerrrzzzzz

P.S We did get LOADS of Sausages about RM30 worth minimum...
Hope this post will raise some awareness about Sausage Fest and the good deeds that come along with it!!